lundi 23 avril 2012

[Ports used] How to protect TMG with DPM : Part 1

After my article on the Microsoft MVP Award Program Blog, you will found the "full" version of it.

1/ Introduction
When we try to protect a Forefront TMG (or UAG) server with Microsoft System Center Data Protection Manager (DPM) 2010, we naturally apply the required port official listed on this article: But we meet the following error when we try to attach the agent deployed on the TMG server ( to the DPM 2010 server:

This error means that some required ports are missing in Forefront TMG, confirmed by the entry on the event log on the DPM server:

Indeed when we make some tests we observe that the DPM server can't reach properly the TMG server on the required protocols.

First of all a ping to the TMG / UAG server fail:

The administrative file sharing access too:

The RPC call is also not reachable:

And finally the WMI call fails:

Next we will see the different objects to create in order to minimize the surface area on our TMG firewall in order to make the DPM protection work fine.

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